Subtest Completion Screens

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Practice Assessments with Subtests have completion screens following each Subtest, allowing you to review flagged items if needed.




If the Review Flagged Items option is selected, you are is taken back to only the flagged items.  They have the option at that time to change the answer and resubmit it if they choose or fill in an answer for any item that they may have left blank. When a user reviews Flagged Items from the completion screen, the items appear unflagged to the user at that time. Once these are all clicked through again, the user will reach the completion screen again.  If no items are flagged at that time, the Review Flagged Items button will not appear.


If the Return To Last Item button is pressed, the user is taken back to the last item in the assessment.


If the Proceed To Next Subtest button is pressed, any flagged item answers are stored as final, and the user is taken to the next Subtest.


Note: If a user presses the Proceed To Next Subtest button without reviewing flagged items, the user receives a warning.



If Yes it pressed, the window closes and the action continues.  If No is chosen, the window closes and the user remains on the completion screen.


Note: Once a user proceeds past a subtest, he/she cannot return to it.



The regular completion screen will only appear following the last subtest.