Question Display

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Questions are displayed in a top down format just like the NCLEX.




Radio buttons are placed to the left of the options. (Note 4 option multiple response item being used as example)


When the cursor rolls over the radio button, it fills in temporarily.


If the radio button is pressed, the fill in stays regardless of if the cursor is over it.


An answer is not submitted until the Next button is pressed and can be changed by the user to another option.


When Next is selected, the user is brought to the Rationale Screen. (Note: if rationales are locked, the rationale screen does not display)



If the assessment/test has rationales available and the user presses the Back button, the user is taken to the previous question's rationale screen.


If the user reaches a flagged item, the item is presented as the question screen because no answer has been submitted yet.


If rationales have been locked for the assessment/test and the user presses the Back button, the user reaches the question screen with the answer filled in.  If rationales are locked, the user is able to change a previously entered answer.